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Used Transmission Guide

Used Transmission with Warranty For Sale Online at My Auto Store

This used transmission guide is a resource for our customers installing a used transmission on their vehicle. The transmission is one of the most expensive parts on the vehicle, so it’s important to get the right transmission size & have it installed correctly.

As many car & truck owners know, there can be many different transmission types for the same make & model of vehicle. Use this page as a guide to finding your transmission type & locating it on the My Auto Store website. We have some great search & sorting tools to help you narrow down search results by VIN number.

Once you’ve located your transmission, the next thing will be to make sure it is installed to meet My Auto Store warranty specifications. Not only will this ensure that you’re covered by our 6-month warranty on all used transmissions sold, but it will also help you get the most life out of your replacement transmission as well.

Locating Used Transmissions Online at My Auto Store

Finding a used transmission with warranty online has never been easier than in our online auto parts store here at My Auto Store. Our entire inventory of used auto parts is listed online & can be searched by year, make, & model. Simply hit the part search option in the menu & you will begin your part search.

After selecting the year, make, & model of vehicle, select the transmission part type, then transmission. A list of all available used transmission, and any reman transmissions that may be available, for that make & model will be displayed, along with all the interchange options that may be compatible.

If you’re year, make, & model has more than one transmission size or type, you will be given the option to sort by VIN number. The VIN number will be the 8th digit on your Vehicle Identification Number. Matching your VIN number to our fitment options will help ensure that you are ordering the right part for your car or truck.

Checkout & Free Shipping on Used Transmissions

Once you’ve located the right transmission, it’s time to add it to the cart & checkout. My Auto Store has both local pickup options around the USA, in addition to providing free shipping on all orders. Simply select the option you wish, and if your choosing local pickup be sure to choose the My Auto Store location nearest you.

As with any freight item that requires special care in packaging, it may take 24-48 hours for our team to have your order ready for pickup or shipment. We want to make sure that your transmission has undergone another thorough inspection for quality & packed securely for transporting.

At checkout we have multiple payment options all processed through PayPal, including options to purchase additional extended warranties on your used transmission purchase. Use your credit card or PayPal balance, in addition to PayPal Pay Later and any other programs they are offering. 

Used Transmission Checklist

Once your transmission has arrived, be sure to follow this checklist in order for your warranty to be valid. Follow these steps before & during installation.

  • Replace all seals.
  • Install new filter kit.
  • Flush & inspect cooling lines.
  • Align & engage torque converter into front pump.
  • Fill transmission with manufacturer specified fluid.
  • Clear all transmission computer codes prior to starting or operating the vehicle.
  • Adjust throttle position sensor cable.

Failure to Provide Proof of ANY of these steps were not take will VOID warranty.

Note: Transmissions come with 6-month, PART-ONLY warranty. 

Used Transmission Guide - Warranty Installation Procedures for Used Transmissions bought at My Auto Store

Warranty & After Care

After your transmission installation is complete, & installed by the above guidelines, your transmission will be covered automatically by our 6-month standard parts-only warranty. If you’ve followed the installation procedures above and purchased one of our extended warranties you engine will be covered for that time period.

It’s also important to take care of your investment so be sure to follow all manufacturer’s guidelines for fluid change recommendations. Be sure to check your transmission fluid level frequently to make sure everything is operating correctly.

We strive to make every used auto part purchased at My Auto Store a great experience. If you have any questions or need help with ordering a transmission online feel free to call us at 1-866-513-3788 or using the chat option on our website.

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